The Mat Sadler Thread

Steady Blazing, at the risk of a woosh, in case you hadn’t noticed that’s the other CS (Sadlered) not, the original Cs (Saddled), even gone to the trouble of the same avatar.

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I don’t mind someone so sad they want to try and parody my opinions, it’s actually funny and I appreciate not having to waste my time trying to be constructive :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but it does annoy me that they’ve actually screenshot my avatar and used it. That’s a bit unethical of you ask me.

We think it’s AI but there you go….it gives those who jump to conclusions too quickly, sometimes simply because they thought it was me, a little nudge when they realise they’ve been had……


I clocked it yesterday and missed it today!

Apologies for that.


I keep changing my avatar and they just grab it and copy it.

Pathetic really but whatever gets them going I suppose


I like your new avatar. In answer to the question. Yes,on a daily basis.
In fact I don’t have to see them :grin:

I can remember the arguments, although no tinternet in those days of course. I was pro-Buckley, partly through blind loyalty, but also because I thought Preece, Sinnott and Shakey were top quality players, and we also had the more established youngsters Mower, Rees and Penn (alas, he was soon forced out of the game) and I felt good times were just around the corner, even though we were bottom at Xmas. :crazy_face:
We played some great football in the second half of that season, just as good as anything in 83-84.
I’m not sure we’ll hit those heights this time. :laughing:

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@CompletelySaddled @CompletelySadlered Neither of you can have that potty mouth avatar. Expect them to stay unaltered from this point forward, you can remain a complete pair of C’s.


Of course there were to him.

But there have been plenty of players discarded or unwanted at other clubs by successful managers who have gone on to succeed elsewhere. Our squads down the years have been littered with them.

The whole “Clough didn’t rate him” argument just feels like a lazy hand wave rather than a succinct argument.

I think signing Summerfield on loan helped kick-start them as well. No transfer windows then.

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If he had been working for the old Walsall council, he would have been promoted to the board room by now :joy:

Yes, he was important to us that season. I wonder if we would have signed him if Don Penn had been fit? A moot point, but no complaints as he and Phil Hawker were both good players.

1982 was a shocker of a year, we were top in January, escaped relegation by goal difference, and were then rock bottom at Xmas. :laughing:

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I think its bloody hilarious

Best trolling I’ve seen and there have been some strong candidates recently

It takes a very errrrr, special, kind of person to attract the trolls, you should be very proud indeed😂

More entertaining than posters trying to compare Sadler to Buckley and Smith. Now that is pure awful trolling


Since he had a scintilating season for Guisborough town in the Northern League div 1in 2013/14 apart from Gateshead (Northern League), leyton Orient and us when on loan, he doesnt have a sparkling history as a goalscorer.

Sorry, but i think that is absolute nonsense. Tea and sympathy will not reverse our fall into non league!

The only thing im interested in is how he peforms for us to be honest.


Scored 50 goals since 2018/19

I bet I could make some list of strikers that have played for us since then, add all their goals together and still not get close to 50.

Got to love the “apart from” apart from all of those goals he scored.

I’m not actually sure what point you are trying to make to be fair.

Clough isn’t shopping in the same shops to replace his players as we are.


Apologies. I responded to the wrong post.

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It wasn’t me saying it was :+1:t3:

Yes mate, i responded to the wrong post :sweat_smile:

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:joy: no worries!