The Mat Sadler Thread

I am flattered :rofl:

So if you ignore three pretty large chunks of his career (and write off going 1 in 4 in the SPL)? :joy:

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If you’d had bothered to read my post, you’d have seen I was pointing out the similarities and the differences in their early period.

I wasnt referrring to your post :+1:

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Adamant he can turn it around.
No proff of that from what we are seeing at all

Its good that he “recognises the frustration of the fans for the last couple of years and that its shared by him…” its not like he’s been a key figure for the last 4 years is it.

What a bull shitter. Get him gone.

Rip it up and start again.


Frustrating thing is that it’s blatantly obvious he’ll be gone before the end of the season but we’ll drag the arse out of it.

He probably knows himself.


Paul Taylor.


Yeh you’re right actually. A good director of football is 100% what we need.

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What’s Jamie Fullerton up to? :see_no_evil:

I think it’s just having someone there who actually knows something about football.

Pomlett, himself, infamously, admitted no one had a clue about football on the old board, Ben Boycott doesn’t have a clue, Matt Jordan is 5000 miles away and doesn’t have a clue about lower league football.

Utterly clueless.


Recipe for success down at bescot :grimacing::wink::grimacing:

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If we stay up it a massively successful season. As the club lack of ability, one of the worst managers ive seen and fan lack of enthusiasm for the game resently. We expect to get beat and dont moan anymore when we do. Just good job we have our mobiles to keep us entertained on a saturday afternoon.


Warnock’s face when he made that quip.

So the main ambition this season from the manager is to survive long enough to be present at the xmas party! :joy:



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If it was a fancy dress Xmas party, Sadler could go as :santa:t2:

At least then, we could give him the sack!

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Sadler and staff were booed as they came out

Sadler skulked around the back

Get him gone !


Mat Sadler does not know how to play … he is a joke and needs to go now