The Official Summer Transfer Rumours Thread 2024 II

I’ve heard there’s some general pissedoffness around the place.

Driven primarily by what some at the club feel were piss take offers to Watson, Knowles and Foulkes all of whom were popular figures.

Trivela believe they pushed the boat out last year and are reining it in, placing their trust in the data led approach to finding hidden gems and loans.

I’m not as well connected as you and I’ve just heard second and third hand stuff and rumour. But those dots sit in pretty much plain sight.


Meltdown if it does :eyes::grimacing::laughing:

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This has gotta be the worst takeover ever!!!

Americans who have basically taken out a loan!

Seem to not have money to invest in better players

And at the same time have to return a chunk of OUR hard earned money to their greedy investors wanting a return

I hope the Issa coffin is still in storage!

Yeah, I won’t ever post something if it’s from one person.

I’ve heard this from several different people who are well connected and are normally spot on.

I know for a fact the way they’ve treated Watson isn’t the best.

They have Thursday to put their own story forward - I’ve heard one side, and it ain’t great.


The club aren’t doing very well at managing communications.

We’re finding out more from twitter than the club. I suppose tomorrow they’ll announce Watson has left.


That’s what I understand - yep.

If the rumours are indeed true and the Muppets running our club believe Josh Gordon is the answer then we’re in all kinds of trouble. I find it difficult to read people saying how hard he works and how well he closes down the opposition defenders when most of the teams we played seemed to pass around us for fun. I’d advise he made little to no impact on the majority of games that he played in. We can only hope it’s not all doom and gloom and that there are some decent signings to materialise, c’mon Walsall give us something positive to cling onto eh?


It’s hard to make an argument that things as they currently seem from the outside don’t “smell right” but Hutchinsons comments seem to point in a different direction. Yes he was never going to slander the club and lay the club to waste but he didn’t have to say good things either.


I’ve no inside track but what you’re hearing is concerning to say the least. Hope what you’re hearing is wrong tbh.

Careful though or you’ll be accused of being a doom monger :grinning:


I will reserve judgment for now but if the budget cut is true WHY ?
I would think with 5k gates , advertising signs , villa women using our ground, functions rooms the locker opening . WHY ?

As @Thanatos says, there’s three sides to every story. The club have the perfect vehicle this week to put theirs. Which I hope they do in convincing style.

“Has the football budget been cut for the 2024/25 season?” I’m sure will be asked and the response will be interesting.


And we made a few quid in the FA Cup last year too.

Cutting budgets on the back of ticket price increases and increased revenue streams is very disappointing and would love a genuine answer from Boycott on Thursday as to if it has been cut and if so why but in reality I think we can make too much of budgets
If ours has gone down it’s probably gone from mediocre to the lower end of mediocre.We were never going to sign a Madden or a Croasdale et al.
Staff being offered poorer terms is always going to create an atmosphere but would rather that than see us spaff a big contract to Knowles and see him beaming around the place whilst continuing to shin and thunder every cross.

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Simple answer as to Why. Reduce operating costs to return some profits to their Investors.

Bonser charged the club a market rent for use of the ground yes!. But the club never had to make profits to return to investors like Trivela do

Worst takeover ever in my view!. Set up by that walking disaster Pomlett

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Love to know what the excuse is if these rumours are true i think they are I’ve heard similar its an absolute joke and questions must be asked


Be interesting to see where Watson ends up, if it’s a team in a higher division, then not much we can do really.

Why do we always take 1 step forward then 2 backwards. This club will be the death of us. If the budget has really been cut, Pomlett needs a good hiding for the dodgiest takeover ever!!


Certainly pushed the boat out with the replacement haven’t we with a youth team coach from Cheltenham. That must have saved them a few quid

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It’s a terrible takeover. Far worse than the Bonser ownership in my view.

Yes academy goal keeper coach replaces experienced Ist team coach I’m thrilled .