Walsall Football Club - So Many Issues

What issues would you say trivela still need to fix ?
They have done a phenomenal job so far imo


I agree. They’ve done a really good job.

Highlights for me include:-

  • Locker providing a new community space for Walsall fans on matchday which in turn has taken pressure off other outlets around the ground.

  • Small touches around the place like covering some of the brutalist breeze blocks with big freezes of our heroes past and present

  • The screen ordering system for food at kiosks (though a lot of our fans still seem to enjoy a good old queue).

-On field continuity and seemingly a strategy and plan

  • Some great offers on ticket prices to which the fans have responded.

  • Reaching out to more communities within the town

Which back to the title of the thread means there aren’t nearly as many issues.

The small amount left for me would include:

  • season ticket prices and matchday prices when there isn’t an offer are too high. We lost season ticket holders as a result.

  • There should at least be a plan for a plan in terms of upgrading three sides of the ground. People’s expectations have chnaged. In the 60’s being dry was the bonus you might sacrifice some view for. Now people expect to be dry and have an unhindered view.

So yeah - not quite “so many issues”. Real progress and a bit of wind in our sails. The key is to maintain it and build upon it. January window is a big moment as will the early bird offer especially if we’re still in with a very good shout of promotion.


Agree with the above. A small thing for me is access to the ground from the Broadway. It was far easier to get into the home end up the side of the retail park before it was blocked off. Grrrr!


Short of buying the retail park I don’t think the club can reopen the shortcut as it’s private property.

Hopefully now the issue has been raised on UTS Trivela will purchase the land and knock down the units and create a great car park facility.

Leave Maccies there though :blush:


Fair. Access, parking, getting away is definitely a “growing pains” issue. But shouldn’t be ignored. The stadium’s location and the fact that it is penned in by a railway line means that the Bescot Crescent itself becomes a bottle neck for pedestrians and cars. It also becomes quite dangerous after the game if we have a crowd in excess of 5,000. Pavements are too narrow so many people end up walking in the road itself vying with often impatient traffic.

Some kind of escape route for cars and/or pedestrians straight onto the broadway between the retail park and allotments would act as a release valve to the pressure that builds up on the Crescent.

Not the biggest of issues but the sort of things we need to think about if the plan is to keep growing as a club.


Now wouldn’t that be nice …

I mostly drive to matches but occasionally catch the train from Walsall for the bigger matches. You can pick and choose the outgoing train, depending on how many pints you want to consume in The Locker.

Coming back is usually a bit of a wait and crowded. Perhaps if an extra “football special” was laid on to ferry people back to town would encourage more people to use the train. I would.

Lots of clubs would kill to have station on its doorstep.


A reliable service would also help. Just saying … :laughing:


We used to short cut onto the retail park from the back car park. The club decided to block it off for some reason . The walk back to the car is a mission now.


There are train stations at Darlaston and Willenhall planned to open fairly soon (although seem to keep getting delayed :roll_eyes:)

Perhaps some fans will use these to come to Walsall when they eventually open, which should help with congestion.

Think it was the retail park, not the club that did that. It certainly was handy, but also dangerously slippery most of the time.


With a longer term view there is talk of extending the metro from Wednesbury to Walsall.

If this happens the club need to campaign for a stop at Wallows Lane Bridge which would be very handy. They could even call the stop Fellows park.


I’ve said this before, but surely park and ride on the Rugeley to Birmingham line is an option.
Can the club contact West Midlands trains to get some sort of deal on tickets to and from Bescot on matchdays.
I know there is usually a decent amount of parking available (for free) at Tame Bridge, no idea of the situation at other stations on the line.

Nothing to do with the club,

I know a guy on the fan focus group and this was bought up. Getting rid of the stancions and reconstructing the roof support is in the muliple millions so will not be done. In addition, safe standing wont happen because the width of the concrete levels are too narrow and there is not enough room for a person plus railed seat.

Im not sure if the planning permission is still there for the away stand expansion, but we’re a long way away from that question.

If anyone has any ideas on how to improve the matchday experience, PM me and i can always send them on to him.

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I would advocate the reintroduction of the football special bus service from the cenotaph in the town centre, which ceased after the move to the Bescot Stadium.
The bus could terminate and pick up for the return at the top of Bescot Crescent, so it wouldn’t have to cross the Broadway.

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Not too long ago they did trial a football special service in association with WMT, with the bus parked up outside the hotel during the game for a quick getaway after. Didn’t seem to last too long so I assume it wasn’t cost effective. Did anyone on here use it?

It wont still be there as it will only have been valid for 3 years. I have heard however that other various options have been discussed in relation to the ground and redevelopment and ways of raising capital to fund it.

I recall it but can’t remember the detail. If they do do something like that then it needs to be given a season to run before writing it off. Attending football and the rituals of getting to the match etc are often habitual, so take some time to break/change.

With the traffic on Bescot Crescent the best thing to do imo would be to encourage as many people to stay behind and spend their money in the Locker or wherever leaving them with a relatively quiet drive/train/service bus journey away from the ground an hour plus after the end of the match, on a Saturday anyway.

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